Pepe Mujica - Der Präsident

Género: Documentary film / Trailer
Ano: 2013/2014
Duração: 01:39 min
Descrição: Having already explored the history of Montevideo's urban guerilla in her 1996 documentary "Tupamaros", director Heidi Specogna's new film "Pepe Mujica – Der Präsident" focuses on the most famous, former member of the resistance group, who is commonly called "the poorest president of the world" due to his deliberately humble way of life. While Mujica was Uruguay's head of state from 2010 until 2015, he relinquished most of his pay and continued to live on his small farm, where he grew flowers. The film portrays an extraordinary man who stayed true to his ideals, and who even at an old age kept fighting for a better society together with his wife Lucia Topolansky.
Fornecedor: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Direitos: In Copyright / Piffl Medien GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Heidi Specogna
Tipo de documento:
Language: de